Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) from Russia and the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) from Spain are announcing the 1st Call for Proposals for joint R&D projects, focusing on developing innovative products and applications in all technological and market areas. Applicants are expected to develop ready to market solutions or projects which have strong market potential for Russia and Spain.
This call invites projects in ALL thematic areas.
Call Launch and Structure
The call is announced in the field of industrial research and development between Spain and Russia.
The Call will be launched on 3rd May 2016 by FASIE and CDTI.
Eligible partners are invited to present joint proposals for industrial R&D projects according to the following procedures:
• The partners should include at least one Russian small company and one Spanish R&D performing commercial companies. Participation of research institutes/universities is welcome as subcontractors according to each country’s funding regulations.
• The Russian and Spanish partners must express their will to cooperate, on an equal basis, to the development of a new product, industrial process or service. The product, process or service must be innovative and there must be a technological risk involved.
• The project should have an obvious advantage and added value resulting from the technological cooperation between the participants from the two countries (e.g. increased knowledge base, commercial leads, access to R&D infrastructure etc.).
• The project should demonstrate the contribution of the participants from both countries on an equal basis, and the project must be equally significant to both participants.
• The project will have a maximum duration of 24 months.
• No single country or participant can have a budget contribution above 70% of the overall budget.
Any partner whose cooperative R&D project is consistent with the aforesaid criteria can apply to the present announcement in accordance with the national laws, rules, regulations and procedures in effect.
Submission and approval procedures:
Partners will be asked to present their project outline in English via a Project Application Form. The completed electronic form must be submitted simultaneously to the official relevant contact person in FASIE and CDTI until 8 July, 2016.
In Russia, the participants will have to submit additionally a formal national application to FASIE’s contact person (see below).
In Spain the participants will have to submit a formal R&D international project application through CDTI’s website ( including the application form, a draft consortium agreement and a national project outline.
The national authorities will carry out an evaluation process of the received projects and will select the proper projects to be supported in accordance with their national laws and regulations.
The successful proposals are expected to receive a Label not later than December 2016.
Each country will fund its eligible participants. Funding conditions and eligibility criteria may vary from country to country. As a summary, the main funding criteria are explained below:
FASIE will finance technically and financially feasible R&D projects with an impact increase in the R&D of the Russian company activities. Universities, research organizations and other public bodies can participate as subcontractors (with not more than 30% share received as a grant from FASIE being subcontracted).
The project will be supported under the program INTERNATIONALIZATION. Russian applicant must submit a national application via the electronic submission system: A financing decision will be taken within four months after the receipt of a complete application.
According to FASIE funding rules, Russian enterprises must be small companies according to the Russian law (Federal Law Nº209, Article 4): up to 100 personnel, up to 800 mln RUB turnover and less than 49% participation of public, foreign and large companies. Detailed information can also be reached from here.
The funding modality for the project will be a grant up to 15 mln RUB (equivalent of 200.000 EUR), 50% of the amount of the grant provided by FASIE should be co-financed (at least 7.5 mln RUB).
CDTI will finance industrial research and/or technological development activities of Spanish companies. Universities and research centers can be funded as subcontractors.
Funding conditions for Spanish partners may vary depending on the nature of the project. Detailed information can also be reached from here.
Spanish tasks in the project cannot start before submitting the funding application to CDTI. For further information, please contact directly with CDTI.
Contact details and project outline submissions
Ms. Olga Levchenko
Tel. +7 495 231 38 51
Ms. Alicia Garcia Zuazo
Tel: +34 91 581 5607
Mr. Juan Ramon Rodríguez Alemán
Tel: +7 495 783 92 81