Call deadline – February 16, 2016
SC1-PM-12–2016: PCP - eHealth innovation in empowering the patient
Actions that focus on enabling the transition to new services or better integration of existing services through appropriate ICT based technologies using relevant elements e.g., proof of concept, user acceptance, use of the service, training of the professionals including online courses/forums that bring professionals and patients together, trust and security and consent of the patient. These strategies should allow communication to happen by increasing the level of interactions between the patient and the health professionals or informal carers, sharing of data and enabling the users to stay in control of their health condition and to adhere to prescribed medical plans and contribute to increasing the effectiveness of interventions.
SC1-PM-13–2016: PPI for deployment and scaling up of ICT solutions for active and healthy ageing
This topic will contribute to the Scaling Up Strategy23 of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and to boosting the Silver Economy and Digital Single Market in Europe. The actions supported will target deployment of active and healthy ageing solutions at large scale across different regions in Europe.
SC1-PM-18–2016: Big Data supporting Public Health policies
Rather than improving existing isolated systems, proposals should focus on how to better acquire, manage, share, model, process and exploit the huge amount of data to develop integrated solutions that support public health authorities of Member States and associated countries in particular in healthcare system management, long-term policy making and increase the ability to provide actionable insights at the point of care. Relevant solutions include, for example, systems for determining and monitoring the combined effects of environment, lifestyle and genetics on public health, enabling early identification of effects, both on women and men, that can have large impacts on health including lifestyle and provision of healthcare – both short term and long term as well as when interaction with other public sectors is required (e.g. physical planning). Focus should also be on the governance of Big Data in order to use it proficiently across organisations and at policy levels. Integrated solutions should include suitable approaches towards securing security and privacy issues.
SC1-HCO-09–2016: EU m-Health hub including evidence for the integration of mHealth in the healthcare systems
The core activities of the ‘innovation hub for mHealth’ should focus on fostering research and innovation in mHealth and bolster policy making efforts in implementing mHealth strategies tailored to the need of the European countries and regions involved.
The hub should act as a convening platform to bring together experts and innovators for institutionalising best practices in mHealth whilst avoiding the creation of silos and fragmentation in mHealth knowledge across the EU.
Emphasis should be put on the development of a multi-stakeholder ecosystem targeted at increasing collaboration between various stakeholders such as researchers, national, regional, local authorities, and mHealth manufacturers, supported by a central resource that tracks innovation and best practices and identifies gaps in policy while fostering cross-border knowledge sharing among Member States or countries associated to Horizon 2020.
SC1-HCO-10–2016: Support for Europe’s leading Health ICT SMEs
The scope is co-ordinating post R&D and offering support for developing business models, improving the maturity of the new products emerging from Europe’s leading Health ICT SMEs, developing a pro-innovation approach to address legal conditions in Europe and globally on a case-by-case basis.
SC1-HCO-11–2016: Coordinated action to support the recognition of Silver Economy opportunities arising from demographic change
This shall be achieved by establishing a widely recognised European annual award scheme for innovative solutions which can demonstrate a significant impact improving the quality of life of the ageing population, for both women and men, and sustaining a viable and promising business model.
This Annual award will bring together all relevant societal actors and economic sectors to create a pan-European movement that acknowledges and exploits the opportunities brought about by demographic change and innovation.
SC1-HCO-12–2016: Digital health literacy
Proposals should provide support for the improvement of digital health literacy of citizens. In particular, proposals should design open access online courses ("MOOCs") for different population cohorts including children and the elderly and other high-risk patient groups, supporting an interactive learning environment. These courses should ensure user-friendliness and involve citizens to co-design, test and implement learning modules that would help them improve their digital health literacy skills. The courses should be designed tailored to users' needs based on a strong understanding and projections of key factors, drivers, barriers and trends of the future that affect digital health literacy, be targeted specifically to citizens with low levels of digital health literacy and take into account and quantifying demographic, social, cultural and gender differences and address critical and/or interactive skills and competencies, as well as support peer learning. The work should also articulate a roadmap roll-out, simulate system level changes and detail the most appropriate policy actions for ongoing enablement.
SC1-HCO-13-2016: Healthcare Workforce IT skills
Proposals should focus on mapping, quantifying and projecting the need, supply and demand of workforce skills and competencies to develop IT skills and training programmes for the healthcare workforce taking into account the EU-US collaboration underway in this area under the EU-US MoU eHealth Roadmap41 and other international cooperation in this area. The work should identify how key factors and trends will be investigated, the different scenarios the system and eHealth workforce face, quantify and model these futures as well as describe how the most robust policies to deliver the desired impacts and outcomes will be investigated. They should also demonstrate knowledge of systematic workforce investigations including skills and competences existing curricula and training, identify gaps and propose solutions to bridge them. A series of case studies in some of the areas where IT already has an impact on the provision of health services, will support the proposed solutions in the most critical areas for example in primary health care, monitoring of chronic diseases, high risk patient care and geriatry. A familiarity with the ICT Skills’ European eCompetence Framework for healthcare is also important.
SC1-HCO-15-2016: EU eHealth Interoperability conformity assessment
The proposal should aim at the establishment of a sustainable European Conformance Assessment Scheme associated with the maintenance of the eEIF, fostering a wider eHealth interoperability uptake for the entire European market.
SC1-HCO-16-2016: Standardisation needs in the field of ICT for Active and Healthy Ageing
The proposal is expected to foster user-centred ICT innovation on AHA by engaging, supporting and coaching stakeholders to develop and implement their actions in the area of standardisation. They should cover standardisation within the area of AHA, in particular in the domains of ICT infrastructures for the implementation and delivery of services for independent living in age-friendly buildings, scaling-up of innovative care services and interoperability profiles for independent living.
Call deadline – April 13, 2016
SC1-PM-01-2016: Multi omics for personalised therapies addressing diseases of the immune system
The scope of this topic is to integrate and use high quality genome, epigenome, proteome, metabolome, microbiome data produced by large scale international initiatives with innovative imaging, functional, structural and lifestyle/environmental data, and combine these with disease-oriented functional analysis to contribute to the understanding of health and disease with the final objective of selecting relevant biomarkers for clinical validation that will lead to the development of new targeted therapies for diseases of the immune system. Proposals must build on data from IHEC and, as appropriate, on data from other international initiatives. Proposals should address relevant ethical implications, take into account sex and gender differences and include a section on research data management. International cooperation is requested. Proposals addressing rare diseases of the immune system are excluded.
SC1-PM-04–2016: Networking and optimising the use of population and patient cohorts at EU level
Proposals should aim at maximizing the exploitation of cohorts by bringing together national and/or European cohorts with common scientific interests (e.g. across diseases, children, mothers, elderly, birth, gender, etc.), and by taking advantage of new technologies (e.g. ICT, social platforms, etc.) and new type of data (e.g. geographical, genetic, eHealth records, etc.). Based on those cohorts using a comprehensive integration strategy to facilitate hypothesis-driven research, data sharing, harmonisation and analysis, proposals should provide expanded resources and knowledge on health and disease determinants, onset and course of diseases (including aspects of co-morbidity and/or co-infections), clinical, public health and socio-economic research. Synergies with relevant existing European infrastructures and additional collaborations with relevant international initiatives are encouraged. Proposals should also engage with relevant international/national/regional authorities to ensure that findings are implemented and translated into health policy.
SC1-PM-05–2016: The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative
The objective is to create a European joint programme for monitoring and scientific assessment of human exposures to chemicals and potential health impacts in Europe, building on previous activities undertaken at EU and national levels.
SC1-PM-06–2016: Vaccine development for malaria and/or neglected infectious diseases
Proposals will have to address bottlenecks in the discovery, preclinical and early clinical development of new vaccine candidates (antigens/adjuvants) for malaria and/or neglected infectious diseases. Filoviral diseases are specifically excluded from this topic.
Depending on the maturity of the research landscape for each disease, proposals may range from large research platforms developing multiple vaccine candidates and/or vaccines for multiple diseases, to proposals specifically focused on one disease.
SC1-PM-09–2016: New therapies for chronic diseases
Proposals should focus on clinical trial(s), supporting proof of concept of clinical safety and efficacy in humans16 of novel therapies (pharmacological as well as non-pharmacological) or the optimisation of available therapies (e.g. repurposing) for chronic non-communicable or chronic infectious diseases. Preclinical research should be completed before the start of the project. Proposals should provide a sound feasibility assessment, justified by available publications or provided preliminary results. Gender and age must be considered whenever relevant. Due consideration should also be paid to involve patients and take their views into account wherever relevant. Rare diseases and regenerative medicine are not within the scope of this topic.
SC1-PM-11–2016-2017: Clinical research on regenerative medicine
Proposals should target regenerative medicine therapies which are ready for clinical (in-patient) research and should focus on one specific clinical phase of work. Any stage of clinical work (e.g., first in man, late stage trial, observational study) may be proposed though later stages are preferred; clinical work should represent the core of the proposal. To justify the clinical work proposed, phase I proposals must present appropriate preclinical and toxicology data, and later phase proposals must present appropriate preliminary results.
Proposals should include authorization to conduct clinical trials and ethical approvals or provide evidence of regulatory engagement and that such approval is close. Preference will be given to proposals which are closest to having approvals in place for clinical work to start. Since the objective is to test new regenerative therapies, proposals may address any disease or condition but a justification for the choice must be provided. Proposers should also justify why the therapy proposed is regenerative and how it represents a new approach compared to any existing treatment. Sex and gender differences should be investigated, where relevant. To allow an adequate coverage in the field of regenerative medicine, proposals should take into account the projects previously funded under this topic in Horizon 2020
SC1-PM-21-2016: Implementation research for scaling-up of evidence based innovations and good practice in Europe and low- and middle-income countries
Based on the concept of implementation research, proposals should seek to replicate and scale up a comprehensive intervention in the field of health systems that is innovative and well-researched, supported by sufficient documented evidence. This scaling up can take place within Europe as well as outside it, notably in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). The topic does not cover micro-level interventions, e.g. to promote a specific therapeutic regimen for a single disease.
The selected intervention to be scaled up should be one that has proven to make health systems and health services more responsive, person-centred, safe, effective, and efficient. Its stated impact should be broad, addressing economic and social benefits and its effect on reducing inequalities. The research should identify the facilitators of and barriers to scaling-up, including context-specific factors and differing social and health systems environments in Europe or in LMIC.
SC1-HCO-01-2016: Valorisation of FP7 Health and H2020 SC1 research results
The objective of this coordination and support action is to develop a European web marketplace referencing all types of innovations such as patents, licensing opportunities, prototypes, products, technologies or services with a potential for future exploitation and/or commercialisation, primarily generated by FP7 Health and Horizon 2020 SC1 programmes.
SC1-HCO-02-2016: Standardisation of pre-analytical and analytical procedures for in vitro diagnostics in personalised medicine
Provide pan-European quality assurance schemes and guidelines for pre-analytical procedures - such as sample collection, handling, transportation, processing and storing of clinical samples - and/or harmonisation and quality assurance of diagnostic practice.
The proposal should contribute to accreditation and certification, and participate in standardization activities at European level. Interaction with the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) should be considered as appropriate. Outcomes could be coordination of validation studies, assessment of the results of method validations, training, counselling, quality procedures and guidelines.
SC1-HCO-04–2016: Towards globalisation of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial resistance
Proposals should support the development and extension of the Joint Programming Initiative on antimicrobial resistance capacities.
SC1-HCO-05–2016: Coordinating personalised medicine research
Support the development and operations of a European platform for collaboration between funders of personalised medicine research, possibly based on the International Consortium model. The platform should coordinate research and innovation efforts across borders, regions and countries. It should foster an interdisciplinary approach to personalised medicine by actively involving relevant interested parties. It should develop policies, guidelines, etc. aiming to speed up the development and implementation of personalised medicine (addressing policy-related, economic, and socio-cultural factors). The platform should aim to create synergies with ongoing activities at European and national level (e.g. research infrastructures, ERA-NETs, personalised medicine pilot projects, EIT Health KIC). It should moreover explore the best use of funds in the implementation of personalised medicine. It should actively disseminate information and best-practice examples and contribute to awareness raising in the medical professions (accelerating the reshaping of academic curricula) and among the general public. The proposal should explore scenarios for long-term sustainability.
SC1-HCO-06–2016: Towards an ERA-NET for building sustainable and resilient health system models
To pave the way to an ERA-NET co-fund action for building sustainable and resilient health systems models, this coordination and support action (CSA) will develop a structured system of exchange of information between public health research funders and other relevant bodies, as well as academia, in order to establish synergies and avoid duplication. It will further facilitate the development of a strategic research agenda taking into account the diversity which exists within Europe. This agenda will identify at least a number of measurable, performance enhancing, scientific-technological or socio-economic objectives, supported by an appropriate analysis.