Национальная контактная точка "Здравоохранение"

Comment le patient cialis pharmacie cialis est-il informé?

Selection of research projects conducted with participation of research organisations and universities from Czech Republic

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has announced the selection of research projects conducted with participation of research organisations and universities from Czech Republic.
The project should be implemented within the selected prioritized research fields :
- medicine (neurotechnologies).
Maximum amount of grant per each Agreement should not exceed 21 million rubles to be distributed in the following manner:
in 2018 - up to 7 mln. rubles;
in 2019 – up to 7 million. rubles.
in 2020 - up to 7 million. rubles.
Application deadline: August 15, 2017.
To find more detailed information about this competition please follow the link below: http://www.msmt.cz/vyzkum-a-vyvoj-2/inter-action
FCPIR: http://fcpir.ru/participation_in_program/contests/list_of_contests/1_pub...

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