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The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation announces research projects competition within the framework of ERANET- RUS Plus initiative

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation announced competition of research projects aimed at implementation of research in the fields of nanotechnology, environment protection and climate change, as well as medicine in cooperation with scientific organisations from the EU within the framework of ERANET- RUS Plus initiative.
Total amount of funding should not exceed 13,5 million rubles.

Joint initiative research projects competition of the Russian Foundation for Basic research (RFBR) and the Royal Society of London (CA) in 2014

The aim of the competition is to grant financial support for joint initiative research projects being conducted by Russian and British scientists.
The Competition supports basic research projects being conducted in the area of Biology and Medical Science
The term of conducting joint initiative research project is 2 years.
The application should be submitted till 10 February 2015.

Joint Russian-French initiative research projects competition of the Russian Foundation for Basic research (RFBR) and the National Centre for Scientific Research of France (CNRS)

The aim of this competition is to grant financial support to prospective research projects that are conducted by Russian and French scientists.

The Competition supports basic research projects joint conducted by Russian and French scientist groups in research areas of mutual interest.

Projects in basic research may be submitted for the following areas of expertise:
Biology and Medical Sciences

The duration of the joint initiative research project is 1, 2 or 3 years.

Applications are accepted until March 3, 2015 by 17:00.

Joint initiative research projects competition of the Russian Foundation for Basic research (RFBR) and the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Objective of this Competition is to grant financial support to both Russian and German researchers for their joint prospective scientific activities.

The Competition supports basic research projects that are conducted by joint Russian and German scientist collectives in research areas of mutual interest.
Projects of basic research can be submitted for the following areas of expertise:
Biology and Medical Sciences


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